Having opened my mail to a headline that made me literally cry out, “Oh, god, no!,” I just sent this to my Congresswoman.

Dear Ms. Pelosi,

I am extremely distressed that you are running for re-election. We have effectively been deprived of one of our senators for several years; Kentucky is now in the same boat. With all due respect, Ms. Pelosi: it is unwise, and deeply unfair to us your constituents, to seek to remain in office until your 86th year. If for no other reason than leaving while your abilities and dignity are intact, instead of after aides have to vote for you, speak for you, and gently usher you from the room when you are trying to do your job, please retire now, on your own terms.

It is tempting to think of oneself as indispensable. But none of us is. Another fine leader will represent San Francisco, just as others did before you entered politics. Please make room for them now.

Everyone up and down not only California, but the country, is saying of Senator Feinstein, “Isn’t it sad that she served so faithfully for so long, and that instead of her accomplishments, what we will remember is how she hung on when she was deep in dementia?” Is that how you want your career in public service to end?


Rev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern