You are currently browsing the daily archive for October 17, 2023.

A photo essay

The only thing a professional hair stylist has ever done to my hair is cut it . . . until today.

It looks like my hair is wrapped up to go in a picnic basket
Cook, cook, cook
Here we go . . . Apparently the application of dye to the hair makes the eyes lighter and more intense
At this juncture, the dye is left to work its magic while Wren gives another client a trim of her bangs. The client is a real wiz at giving thoughtful advice. Maybe she should write an advice column.
We be green!

Many thanks to Wren at Native Hair SF! She’s an artist and just such a lovely person.

I hope you’ll check out my new column,

Ask Isabel: Advice for the Spiritually Perplexed or Vexed

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