You are currently browsing the daily archive for September 10, 2023.

Yes, I definitely enjoy this medium more than the acrylics I used for the first version. I’m not sure whether that’s because I prefer a stick of pigment to a brush, or oils to acrylics, or both, I’d have to try brush painting with oils to find out. I have oil paints, but it’s been a long time since I used them (since high school? Can it be that long?), and I balk at the thought of all that mess. Turpentine, feh.

My dad has painted with water-mixable oils–I had never heard of them until he mentioned them, and still find the concept a little wild–and if I really do decide to do some oil painting, I might get a tube or two and try those. But for now, I am loving oil pastels.

With some trepidation, I share this piece in a rough state, only half-dressed, as it were. It’s all part of my self-therapy to heal from perfectionism.

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