You are currently browsing the daily archive for June 26, 2023.

Aside from the Rembrandt etchings that particularly drew me to the National Gallery of Slovenia, two things I saw there said “Draw me.” One was “Drama,” a life-size bronze sculpture by a Slovenian artist named Franc Berneker (1905). It appears to be of a family: a man sprawled on the ground on his front, a woman flung backwards over him, and their toddler nursing at her exposed breast. Whether the parents are dead, exhausted-but-alive, or one of each, is left to our speculation. The expressions on the faces were powerful, but there wasn’t anywhere to sit on that side, and besides, the bodies were also powerfully expressive. So I drew them from behind the child’s back.

Pencil, about 4″x3″

I was also taken by the shadows on these steps, and snapped a photo so that I didn’t have to block the stairs to draw.

Pencil, about 3″x5″


Read: (George), E. L. Konigsburg

Listening: Understanding the Fundamentals of Music, Robert Greenberg (The Great Courses)

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