You are currently browsing the daily archive for June 25, 2023.

Metelkova was a military installation of the Yugoslav army until shortly after Slovenia left Yugoslavia. The complex left behind has an interesting status in the city–have a look at the website. The munchkin had read about it and asked if I wanted to see it. What public art lover could resist?

A surprisingly harmonious mishmash
Munchkin in the tower
Ceiling of a gazebo
Mosaic incorporating and riffing off the exposed brick of the wall
Detail of the above mosaic
I took this from too far away and with insufficient focus to do it justice.
Anyone know who this is?
Interior of one of the former barracks
The drug plea is not being heeded, though tbh the guy who said he came here to buy drugs referred specifically to weed. (ETA: I thought marijuana was legal in Slovenia, having seen a store with a prominent CANNABIS sign, but it is not. Possession has been decriminalized, i.e. it’s only a misdemeanor, but it is most definitely illegal to deal it. So our stoned friend was ignoring these pleas, which are plastered everywhere in Metelkova.)
I like the trash can cover. Tables around the complex are similarly homemade and creative in form.

Munchkin came ready to go biking afterwards, and I decided to go home via electric scooter, which like bikes are available to rent all over Ljubljana. It was really fun.

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